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Barbie Wong's Workshops

Barbie Wong is a music educator who teaches parents how to raise joyful, musical children. With music degrees from Stanford University and Smith College, Barbie has worked with over 400 music teachers and parents from around the world. Barbie believes that everyone has the capacity to learn music and teaches parents how to raise musical children through her workshops, online courses, and blog called “Musical Nest.” Barbie’s two decades of teaching experience includes teaching 'ukulele at a K-8 public school and raising two vivacious children. She is passionate about honoring the whole child perspective by promoting sensitivity and the individuality of each child. Barbie has played percussion with the Oakland Public Conservatory Orchestra, performed tango music with Orquesta Z, and played classical music with the Accordion Chamber Ensemble. She is a certified Suzuki piano teacher and is a member of the Suzuki Association of the Americas, Music Teachers National Association, and National Association for Music Education. When Barbie is not teaching or making music, she enjoys eating chocolate and doing parkour.

Mayhem, & Memories:

April 2nd, Sunday

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

Location: Online (Zoom)

Suzuki:MA Members - $30.00

Non-Members - $35.00

   Suzuki:MA Workshop: “Engaged Parenting for Musical Success” - Barbie Wong, guest clinician

In this talk, music educator and parent Barbie Wong will show how parental engagement can have a dramatic and positive impact on a child’s musical development. She will share practical tools that guide parents to more fully support their child’s music-making during the music lesson and at home with practicing. In contrast to helicopter parenting, engaged parenting helps the child develop ownership, joy and mastery. Parents often want to help, but don’t know how. If they are skillfully engaged, the result is having children become more joyful at their lessons, practice more consistently and effectively at home, and develop into adults with a deep love for music.

Cost: $30 for non-members, $25 for parent/teacher members

 Suzuki:MA Workshop: “Motivation: What Really Works with Kids and Music Practicing” - Barbie Wong

How do you motivate a child to practice their instrument? If you're like most parents and teachers, you have a child who is not always eager to practice and may even resist it. In this workshop, music educator Barbie Wong will explain how motivation actually works, what drives a child to make music with joy, and how you can create the right environment for that to happen. The result is a child who is more eager to play their instrument and a better connection between teacher, parent and child.


Cost: $30 for non-members, $25 for parent/teacher members

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